1. Group pages into "signatures" for folding.
2. Fold pages/signatures.
3. Mark where to punch holes for sewing signatures. The top page is a template I use for punching books of this size.
4. Punch holes in signatures. This is a uniform awl so that the hole is the same size no matter how deep I punch the hole.
5. Sew signatures together. This is called a French stitch. It's a beautiful stitch (that I am unfortunately covering up this time) that can be decorative on books without spines.
7. After attaching book boards, I've glued a cloth along the spine to add stability. Notice how the boards extend past the signatures.
6. Check the sewing inside the signatures.
8. Spine is dry. But look at all those jagged edges.
9. I have a monster paper cutter for just this reason.
10. And square it up.
11. This book is ready to be covered with book cloth or decorative paper.