Dibrell, D., Hollinger, A., & Shelledy, M. (2025). Productive tensions: Writing program administration as a practice of hope. In T. Ruecker & S. Carter-Tod (Eds.), WPAing in a pandemic and beyond: Revision, innovation, and advocacy (pp. 225-237). Utah State University Press.

Hollinger, A. (2024). Designing anchor points. In C. McArdle and J. Borgman (Eds.), PARS in charge: Resources and strategies for online writing programs. Colorado State Press.

Hollinger, A., & Piña, M. (2023). The backchannel: A re/turn to digital communities. CCTE Studies. 88, 64-71.

Dibrell, D., Hollinger, A., & Shelledy, M. (2023). Fugitive administrative rhetorics. WPA: Writing Program Administration 47(1), 148-162.

Hollinger, A. & Piña, M. (2023). Light and the quantum physics of WPA work. In L. Wilkes, L. Mina, & P. Poblette (Eds.), Towards more sustainable metaphors of writing program administration (pp.49-64). Logan, UT: Utah State University Press.

Hollinger, A. (2023). Invisible labors and entangled emergence. In Brown, T (Ed.), Graduate students at work: Exploited scholars of neoliberal higher ed (pp.57-59). University Press of Kansas.

Hollinger, A. & Charlton, C. (2021). A confluence of xings: A nested heuristic for developing and networking individual, programmatic, and institutional spaces of transnational work. In W. Ordeman (Ed.), Creating a transnational space in the first year writing classroom (pp. 67-84). Wilmington, DE: Vernon Press.

Hardesty, K. & Hollinger, A. (2020). Uncommonly common: Reconsidering creativity and beauty in technical communication. Technical Communication 67(4), 28-47.

Hollinger, A. & Borgman, J. (2020). (Dis)similarity and identity: On becoming quasi-WPA (qWPA).  WPA: Writing Program Administration 44(1), 130-149.

Hollinger, A. (2018). A review of Conceding Composition: A Crooked History of Composition's Institutional Fortunes. Enculturation (25)5.

Hollinger, A. (2017). You’re going to need this for college. In Drew M. Loewe & Cheryl E. Ball (Eds.), Bad ideas about writing. Morgantown, WV: Digital Publishing Institute.


Hollinger, A. (May 2022). “Diffraction as Method/ology for the Adjacent Possible and Quantum Rhetoric.“ Presentation at the conference for Rhetoric Society of America. Baltimore, MD.

Hollinger, A., Piña, M., and Acosta, K. (May 2022). “re/charging: developing positive energies for change to wicked problems.“ Panel presented at the conference for Rhetoric Society of America. Baltimore, MD.

Hollinger, A., Fain, K., Piña, M., and Galvan, M. (August 2021). “Challenging and Changing Classroom Practices Now. “ Panel presented at Southern Regional Conference on Composition. Online.

Hollinger, A. & Piña, M. (November 2019). “Light and the quantum physics of WPA 2ork.” Poster presented at Association of Rhetoric and Writing Studies. Austin, TX.

Hollinger, A. (November 2019). “Quitting out loud: Emergent genres, material publics, (re)animating circulation.” Paper presented at Association of Rhetoric and Writing Studies. Austin, TX.

Hollinger, A. (July 2019). “On becoming quasi-WPA: (Dis)similarity and identity, or a name of one’s own.” Paper presented at Conference of Writing Program Administrators. Baltimore, MA.

Hollinger, A., Piña, M., & Borgman, J. (October 2018). “Quasi-WPA.” Poster presented at Association of Rhetoric and Writing Studies. Austin, TX.

Hollinger, A., Galvan, M., & Walsh, T. (March 2018). “The ecology of fullness: Writing program to student.” Panel presented at College Composition and Communication Conference. Kansas City, Missouri.

Hollinger, A., Galvan, M., & Charlton, C. (October 2017). “Rhetorical ecologies and fractals.” Panel presented at Association of Rhetoric and Writing Studies. El Paso, TX.

Hollinger, A., De la Cruz, T., Flores, S., Galvan, M. (April 2016). “Writing for real this time: Authenticity through WID in FYC sequence design.” Panel presented at College Composition and Communications Conference. Houston, TX.

Hollinger, A. (June 2010). Ursula K. Le Guin and the new utopia. Paper presented at Tin Stars SFRA Conference. Phoenix, AZ.


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